French in Eureka 2016
Well done to everyone who participated in French Week, to all who took part in the French Theatre Play ‘Le Patron Insiste’, the quizzes, bingo, art competition, and transition year who did a fun class with first years. Back row: Emer Sheridan & Gemma Clarke Front row: Danielle Onunkwo, Liona Wever, Aine O'Reilly, Rosin Bogie, Hannah Mooney who won the Art competition. Teachers: Ms Barry, Ms Corcoran & Ms Smith.
French Week in Eureka 2016
The French singer Caroline Moreau delighted Eureka Students of French with her energy and enthusiasm. The workshop included learning grammar through singing as well as pronunciation.Transition Year students also participated in a french song singing competition & Caroline Moreau was one of the adjudicators. They also participated in Francophone week
Well done to Transition Year Students of French on receiving their certificate from the French Embassy.
Teachers: Ms Barry & Ms Corcoran & Ms Smith. |
French Week 2014
French theatre visited Eureka as part of French Week.
French Week 2011 |
French Week 2012 |