Welcome to First Year Class of 2021!
Eureka School App is now available for download from App stores - APP HELP VIDEO!
Search for 'Eureka Secondary School' in App Store or Google Play
Click 'App Help' for how to download, register and set up Eureka Secondary School App
Click 'App Help' for how to download, register and set up Eureka Secondary School App
First Years25 Fact Sheets are available from the NCCA website that give information on the different subjects studied in First Year.
The Transition to Secondary School Moving Up - the experiences of 1st year students Secondary School Subjects School Days: Transition from Primary School to Secondary School |
The transition from Primary to Secondary school is both exciting and challenging for students and their parents! It's natural to feel worried about all the changes ahead, but there is no need as it will all work out in the end. In Eureka each First Year Class will have a Tutor and there is also a mentor system in place, where each student is assigned a Prefect, whom they will meet everyday to help them settle in. The greatest challenge facing First Years initially, tends to be organisation, as they have to get used to their Timetable and the Code of Behaviour. But as long as they do their best and have respect for themselves and others they will be fine. As they embark on this new adventure we encourage them to make lots of new friends and to get involved in extra curricular activities so that they leave school with a holistic education. 'School days are meant to be the best days of your life!'